
Seeing beyond limits: Computer vision in Sports

 Seeing beyond limits: Computer vision in Sports Each and every task today is available at our fingertips with the help of several computer networks and internet of things. The world of sports is not away from it. It is also evolving each moment and guiding ahead is computer vision technology. Many traditional sports depended on human judgements which often relied on earlier calculations and metrics.  Computer vision is a technique that pinpoints minute errors and helps to make decisions with precision. It offers speed, huge database management, real-time data about each moment during the event. It is expected that this technology will evolve and drive the sports analytics market to nearly 5 billion dollars till 2027.  Additionally, the compound growth for the same annually is expected to be about 28 percent. Fans, coaches, trainers, and sports persons are molding their game techniques according to the computer vision technologies. This process is interactive, informative...

5 Essential Tricks in 2024 to Maintain a Healthy Connection in Professional places

                                                                                 5 Essential Tricks to Maintain a Healthy Connection in Professional Zones We live in a virtually interconnected world, but making personal level relations in the real world needs active communication and creating good professional rapport with our colleagues. These attributes add up to our career progression and building contacts. Check these five tricks to maintain a healthy lifestyle and connections in a professional environment. Five tips to inculcate positive vibes at workplaces We often talk much and hear less. While it is vital to listen to the people around to know their ideas and perspectives. Let us dive into the simple but deep concepts to communicate better at offices. Try listening to the peop...

Trees are top priority in the current scenario

  The green surroundings have evolved a lot with the emergence of technology and enlightenment. Generations after generations, these communities have served human culture and their evolution. They offer food, the basic necessity for a life. They provide shade from the natural atrocities. Yet, they are considered as secondary beings on the Earth. Why? Trees are living beings. We have learned this in our schools but each time we cut a tree for recreational or residential purposes, do we think that we killed a life? Top business persons and entrepreneurs carry out billions of cash transactions in a day. They are educated, experienced, and enlightened enough to know the loss of greenery for each project. Forests maintain the health of our ecosystem. The versatile species contribute to carbon sequestration, regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion, provide human resources, and keep water cycles. These are a few to mention. An array of benefits still lie hidden beneath the soil. They a...

7 Tax-Saving Strategies for Small Businesses in 2024

  Every small business functions and offers taxes as a contribution to society. Often these amounts add up to a large sum that overtakes the regular expenditures. Hence, tax-saving strategies come to relieve these businesses by optimizing their financial burdens and creating profits. Tight margins and tax management are essential elements while running small businesses. As per the National Small Business Association, 62 percent of mini-businesses spend more than 45 hours dealing with these federal taxes. The owners may go with the tax deduction advantages for home offices. IRS allows these advantages with spaces exclusively used for business purposes. Depreciation of business assets can be another choice to reduce taxable income. 4 Necessities of Small Businesses to Curb the Taxes One may recognize that tax reduction becomes ethically and legally crucial for sustaining the long-term market space. It covers compliance with the law while protecting the firm from legal penalties and d...

A reply to the frivolous thinkers in the present year

  Battles among the nation's were not enough, when an individual has to fight within a nation, the place the person respects, dedicates life and gives tremendous efforts to make the country stand on the world podium. An individual studies day and night and starts working for the well-being of the nation and the people around. Some become police persons, engineers, sanitation workers and doctors. It is not far behind when each and every medical professional served the fellow beings during the constantly spreading pandemic. They spent 24 hours treating the patients. All the people came together to help their neighbors despite the level of contagiousness of the virus. So, why are we silent now when one such professional lost life while serving the patients. Doctor Moumita lost her life. She struggled each moment to fight back. She delivered her best for her patients to get a brutal end of her life. Was her destiny so cruel to her or the people who made her die? In India girls are resp...

Bitcoin in 2024-know about it

                       Bitcoin - A trendsetter  Bitcoin (BTC) is a fresh start to a new mode of money exchange. It is a digital currency just like the rupee, dollar,  and pound. It is mainly applicable in digital transactions among organizations that have the facilities to utilize it for trade. The investments are free from third-party intrusions, and no person or team has any authority over them. However, many countries have banned it as it may hamper global financial stability.  Advent and advancement: An individual or an organization with the false name Satoshi Nakamoto introduced a hybrid currency on October 31, 2008, and called it Bitcoin. It is the most popular virtual currency that allows anyone to pay without verification from a bank. A blockchain record exists for cash flow using cryptocurrencies between two individuals separated miles apart.  Its va...

HOMECOMING- a story by me.

  It was this time of the year, me and my parents were planning to go for a vacation, a year ago. And now I am sitting alone on my desk thinking about the matter for my next novel. It was a massive accident that took away my mom and dad and all those lovely moments that were yet to come in my life. The doorbell rang all of a sudden. It was James, my friend and colleague. James was someone who understood me much better than myself. He had an envelope in his hand. I asked him what it was, to which he replied “a BREAK”. Break, from all this loneliness and melancholy. James said that those were tickets to Rajasthan, India. I was born and brought up in Calgary but had my roots in India. My father belonged to Ajmer, Rajasthan. I remember him telling me about his childhood and my grandparents. I never saw them nor talked to them. I didn’t even know where they lived. I wasn’t enthused but couldn’t say no to an ardent James.          We landed in Rajasthan and rea...