
Showing posts with the label save trees

Trees are top priority in the current scenario

  The green surroundings have evolved a lot with the emergence of technology and enlightenment. Generations after generations, these communities have served human culture and their evolution. They offer food, the basic necessity for a life. They provide shade from the natural atrocities. Yet, they are considered as secondary beings on the Earth. Why? Trees are living beings. We have learned this in our schools but each time we cut a tree for recreational or residential purposes, do we think that we killed a life? Top business persons and entrepreneurs carry out billions of cash transactions in a day. They are educated, experienced, and enlightened enough to know the loss of greenery for each project. Forests maintain the health of our ecosystem. The versatile species contribute to carbon sequestration, regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion, provide human resources, and keep water cycles. These are a few to mention. An array of benefits still lie hidden beneath the soil. They are e