Seeing beyond limits: Computer vision in Sports

 Seeing beyond limits: Computer vision in Sports

Each and every task today is available at our fingertips with the help of several computer networks and internet of things. The world of sports is not away from it. It is also evolving each moment and guiding ahead is computer vision technology. Many traditional sports depended on human judgements which often relied on earlier calculations and metrics. 

Computer vision is a technique that pinpoints minute errors and helps to make decisions with precision. It offers speed, huge database management, real-time data about each moment during the event. It is expected that this technology will evolve and drive the sports analytics market to nearly 5 billion dollars till 2027. 

Additionally, the compound growth for the same annually is expected to be about 28 percent. Fans, coaches, trainers, and sports persons are molding their game techniques according to the computer vision technologies. This process is interactive, informative, enjoyable for the viewers, at home or inside the stadium.

Applications of using computer technologies in sports

Computer vision technologies are versatile. They can transform according to their respective sports. Around 75 percent sports officials believe that the accuracy in the data and analytical information helps to engage more fans, their better involvement with the sport and giving a quality time to young and old. 

As years are passing by, these technologies are adding artificial intelligence technologies to provide environmental conditions, similarities of celebrities with the fans present in the stadium, and three-dimensional effects during the breaks. Let us check some vital points related to computer technologies in sports.

Player statistics

One fan can know about the past and the present statistics of a player. Thus, he or she may compare them and understand the improvement in the players. It also helps in tracking the player performances. For instance, computer vision can record the individual movements, energy levels and efficacy of batting or bowling during a cricket match. 

Other sports like basketball, tennis and soccer are also benefited by thor innovative technologies. It records slight changes in skills and adds it to the overall player performances. This boosts encouragement among the players and motivates them to do better in the coming sports events.

Preventing on-spot injuries

Sports add up to about 3.6 billion injuries in the global podium. Many of them remain unnoticed and unattended. Players often come across severe injuries while playing on the field or practicing. Some lose their lives too. Computer vision technology comed as a helping hand to these players. 

It can detect unnatural movements and ill-strategies on the field. Plus, it indicates them as an alarm. It also counts the strain patterns, irregularities, and other activities that may cause physical injuries. Therefore, it helps the teams or players to act early and avoid any uninvited injuries. Thus, it offers players’ safety and security on the field. 

Adding more fans

As computer vision is an innovative method to enlist the data after analysis, it gives clear numbers of speed, angles, heights, and distances. Thus, fans can watch the game while maintaining the statistics of their favorite players and teams. In addition, it offers scores with a broader spectrum of data than the traditional ways of analyzing the games. 

In earlier days, people copied the information or memorized it to discuss with their friends and relatives. Now, they can rewatch the game on multiple social platforms and witness the moments twice or thrice to relive that memorable moment with their friends. New players can 

watch the strategies to learn the tactics of the sport from their seniors. 

Enhancing sports analytics with computer vision

The market of sports analytics is a billion dollar industry that covers minute data about a particular game, the players involved, and the moments spent on the field. It is expected to rise by 22 percent from 2024 to 2030. Computer vision technology is an addendum to it. It. It preserves each data to recover it whenever needed. 

Computer vision provides many knowledgeable information about a sport that were unattainable in the earlier days. It covers the footage of strokes, hits, and services. So, one can analyze the game after many years of the match or tournament to get detailed reports and create training programs for the current players. 

Thus, one may avoid the past mistakes and prepare a better strategy for their games. Go through the below examples to get a better understanding of the above discussion.

Improved training programs

During past years, coaches depended on their experience and knowledge to train the youngsters entering any sport. Now, they are replaced by data-driven training programs. According to a report presented by Deloitte Group in 2023, several teams are using computer vision technology to create a training program. This helps them to improve their playing standards by approximately 30 percent.

Better predictions

Many times, computer vision technology analyzes the game, player techniques, and environmental conditions to deliver predictions for the outcomes of the game. A report by Statistica mirrors the predictive analytics for a sport. It helped the teams to eliminate errors and add changes according to the analysis. Thus, they saved millions by employing alternate strategies.

The State of the AI sports market

The intervention of artificial intelligence or AI in the sports with computer vision technologies plays a key role in the global sports market. Consequently, the sports market will reach around 20 billion by the year 2030. The fuel to this growth is the constant demand for accessible data, customized fan experiences, advanced injury prevention techniques and real-time solutions. 

However, the path to this growth is not easy-to-get. It involves challenges like data security, implementation charges and players’ privacy. The AI adoption requires high charges that drain the pockets of many sports agencies. Another fact is the introduction of the new technique in the existing structure. 

One proposal by Gartner says that two-thirds of the professional sports agencies will depend on artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies to deliver sports reports. Is it possible to involve the technologies in the recruitment process and decision-making strategies? Will AI be effective and safe to select players for the future?

What’s next for computer vision in sports?

The future of computer vision is bright, vibrant, extending the limits of traditional methods. Virtual and augmented reality will identify the fan=based sports experiences by 2030. These techniques will soon become a part of our sports industry. They will allow the fans to dive in the deeper concepts of a game to get a 360 degree view of the game.

Several wearable technologies are added in the current sports world. Thus, they would make a great pair with computer vision technology. Additionally, they will monitor a player’s performance and health with detailed precision. Maybe in the near future many of our sports professionals will use AI-powered technologies to enhance their performance and scores. 

Computer vision and AI startups shaping the future of sports

Artificial is remodeling multiple industries, so why not sports. Startups are toddlers trying to stand up straight in the sports industry. The incorporation of AI technology needs lesser personnel and depends on machines only. Thus, there would be a hassle-free work environment with accurate results. 

Several companies like Hawk-Eye Innovations, Second Spectrum have added AI technologies in their work environments. These companies offer ball tracking systems for tennis and soccer, and player analytics for the NBA and MLS. The workforce there is less and they need machines and robots to complete several tasks in a limited time.

Will it work effectively in countries like India with an ever-growing population. Following the western countries, eastern countries with rising populations are employing artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies in multiple industries. These technologies are definitely good but they hamper employment, education, information and involvement.

Are these technologies good enough to cost the lives of many families, and endanger the future generation? Facts apart, the technological world is far away from human emotions. Various small and ongoing startups in the world are indulging in sports to gain immense wealth and reach their targeted audiences. Nearly 996 AI sports startups are there worldwide.

AI startups concerning sports have collected a fund of more than one billion dollars. This figure is expected to rise high in coming years. The necessary thing now is the awareness about the implementation of computer vision and AI technologies in the sports industry among the sports agencies. 

Let’s discover Computer vision’s possibilities for the future

Wrapping up the discussion, we get that computer vision, virtual reality, augmented reality and artificial intelligence are innovative technologies. They together will enhance the sports worldwide. The involvement will enhance player performances, statistical analysis, tactical strategies, sports predictions and avoid sports-related injuries. It will involve more fan engagement, offer accurate records of each moment on the field for each sport around the globe. It is a technological advancement that comes holding the hands of scientific discoveries. It will leverage the perception of sports.

 Only the future knows what is hidden inside its shell to open for us.


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