Kolkata open job profiles


Multiple job profiles are open worldwide these days. Most of them focus on artificial intelligence and cyber security. The City of Joy in India is also progressing with its growing population. In 2025, the increasing population will gather around the city for food, shelter, and daily necessities. In proportion, job titles are also increasing to meet their demands in Kolkata.

Let us check the top open profiles that attract skilled developers and professionals. 

  1. Artificial Intelligence research scientist

Artificial Intelligence Research Scientists have a highly challenging job profile. They must understand the trends of every facet of evolving artificial intelligence and act accordingly. AI interferes in every field, so its study and research are also demanding.

These professionals develop new algorithms and models to advance machine learning and AI applications. A fresher can earn up to 88,000 dollars, while an experienced person can earn up to 135,000 dollars annually. 

  1. Machine Learning Engineer

A machine learning engineer designs and implements various machine learning models. Thus, they play a crucial role in data-driven decisions within several organizations. These IT professionals create artificial intelligence systems that can learn and make predictions.

They perform statistical analysis. These jobs will rise to 25 percent in 2030. A machine learning engineer can have a payscale between 150,000 to 170,000 dollars per annum. 

  1. Chief Financial Officer

Chief Financial Officer (CFO): As companies expand, the need for strategic financial leadership grows, making the CFO role vital for overseeing financial planning and risk management. 

  1. Cybersecurity Analyst

As the digitalization of the world moves ahead, the need to safeguard personal and professional data has become vital. This leads to the upsurging demand for cybersecurity analysts. These professionals can protect an organization’s data from cyber threats and necessary data manipulations.

  1. Digital Marketing Experts

Digital marketing experts are professionals who can uniquely present the information. They can remold online businesses through their written content and presentations. The shift towards online business models increases the craze for digital marketing experts. These experts are skilled in SEO optimization, content creation, and social media strategies.

They know about the various platforms where they can showcase any product and services to the targeted customers. 

A Few roles will be added to Kolkata's workforce in 2025

Recently some more phases of work are openly welcomed in the working zone in Kolkata. They are a bit different from the regular digital models and emphasize internet connectivity. 

  1. Women's Safety: The necessity for women's safety and participation in the professional and social areas is increasing with the passing decades. Recent studies and incidents have turned the focus of society towards the fact that women are not safe in their workplaces. 

It is important to converge our concerns to these facts now. Earlier women in India were exploited in a family and the society as well. The Jhansi ki Rani attitude has returned. Thus, addressing these concerns is essential for the economic growth of the society. 

  1. Renewable Energy Sector: Renewable energies are solar, wind, tidal, and biodegradable wastes. These items can be consumed and employed again with the help of some devices and thoughtful ideas. Sustainability is the trend of today’s lifestyle. Many people know and are aware that the resources are extinguishing daily and we need to change to renewable energy forms very soon. 

As a result, there is a rising demand for professionals, energy engineers, and sustainability project managers. 

These roles bring capital to the city, ensure cybersecurity, equal participation of all members of the society, and a sustainable future for humans. 


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