Drug addiction - A taboo to the society


Drugs are good if taken under the supervision of a medical practitioner to limit a disease from reaching other people. If people take these products without restriction to a large extent, they start demolishing the mental and physical structure of our bodies. Most shockingly, young and educated individuals indulge in them more than others.

It is our responsibility to divert their minds from the negative side and bring brightness to their hearts and minds. They are our future generations and we can mould their foundation with love and care.

Types of Drug Addiction

Drug intake may have its risks and ill effects. Probably, the most common components used as drugs are opioids, stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. Painkillers like oxycodone and illegal drugs like heroin are substantially addictive and influence about 1.4 percent of individuals. These individuals belong to grades 8-10 as per the statistics in 2022.

The Journey of Addiction 

The addiction life follows a cycle of events that occur repetitively. First is the craving, drug use, temporary relief, and finally guilt. Often young members of our society take it as an escape from their difficulties. They rely on these hazardous substances to suppress their negative emotions and fears. For instance, studies, relations, and financial dependence are some of the causes of fear.


The individuals constantly submerged in addiction face organ failure, infectious diseases, psychological issues, and cognitive impairment. Moreover, it aloof these individuals from the society and family. They fail to express their emotions and thoughts. Consequently, they move into darkness and loneliness.

Overcoming drug addiction

First one must accept that drug addiction is not normal and must be left behind to move forward in life.

Second, it is necessary to share our thoughts with someone close. Many times people around us may indeed betray us. One must convey their ideas good or bad to their parents. They are the most trusted shelter for youngsters.

Parents should listen to their children and create a friendly atmosphere around them. Any discussion, either grave or foolish, between a child and their parents offers a smooth flow of thoughts. This way, children will be able to express their hidden emotions clearly.

If a child is already addicted to a drug, elders must try to know the underlying cause and offer mental and emotional support.

Professional guidance is the best way to achieve a normal life.


As addiction is like a cycle of events, recovery is also a long journey with constant efforts and a supportive environment. The people around a drug addict must set boundaries and celebrate the tiny victories with a cake or an outing. Lifestyle changes, relieving the trauma, and offering a happy environment may add to the journey. Remove your insecurities by talking to an elder who cares about you. Around 76 percent of people globally have witnessed the addiction life and overpowered it with mental strength and strong belief. Believe in the divinity within you, you will never be able to hurt yourself. 


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